Algo Released Firmware Version 5.2

NEW! Algo firmware version 5.2 is now available on all Algo devices except the 8036 & 8039. Featured devices include:
- Algo 8180 IP Audio Alerter
- Algo 8186 IP Horn Speaker
- Algo 8188 IP Ceiling Speaker
- Algo 8028 IP Doorphone
- Algo 8301 IP Paging Adapter
What’s new in Version 5.2?
- Compatibility with optional Cloud
- Based Device Monitoring ADMP
- Algo Device Management Platform
- Zero Touch Provisioning
- Update Linux system (includes all latest security patches)
- Add API command to extract relay input status
- Add remote volume subscriber/notifier feature with the Algo 1204
- Add configurable SNMP community string
- Add option to set multiple schedules in one day (only available on the Algo 8301)
- Add DTMF selectable emergency alerts
- Add individual volume selection per group in receiver mode for Polycom Group Page
- Add configurable option for Check sync reboot behavior
- Add option to reboot/sync by weekday
- Automatically convert the scheduler file to the new database format during an upgrade (only available on the Algo 8301)
- Fix provisioning upgrade issues
- Fix web interface password issue
- Improved logging for troubleshooting TLS handshake
- Minor bug fixes
How do I update to the latest version of the Algo firmware?
Firmware 5.2 is available on the Algo website for immediate download! Products will begin shipping with FW 5.2 in October 2022.