
We are Different ... and That's a Good Thing

Since founding the company in 2002, our vision has been to build an environment that fosters a sense of purpose, personal and professional growth, openness, creativity, and the opportunity to pursue one's dreams through their contributions to the company without the limitations that are present in most companies.

The result of this vision is not just seen in the company's growth or in the awards we have won, but in the faces and spaces that comprise VoIP Supply.

VoIP Supply Is...


From smiling faces to frequent company events, VoIP Supply is a melting pot of a diverse set of people and principles that puts the focus on serving our customers (both internally and externally).


Our entrepreneurial environment creates an invigorating climate for change. In the markets we play in, there is no room for those who wait. So we don't...and as a result, most days are different from the one that came before it.


No we are not obsessed with what we do (okay, maybe some of us are). We are passionate about our customer's experiences and our company's success in addition to personal and professional growth. Don't be afraid to stop over after hours…we are probably still here.


How do you really define creativity in the workplace? It's tough, but we have managed to foster one's ability to express themselves through their work, whether it be designing a piece of collateral, conducting training, working with a customer, or simply brainstorming ideas for the future.

    Hard Working

You would be hard-pressed to find another group of people who work harder than the collective team at VoIP Supply. From all-nighters, to 'building our future' nights, to coming in on a Saturday to "get something done," everyone contributes above and beyond to accomplish our company goals.


It is our belief that it is not what we do, but what differences we make that define who we are. We have made community involvement a part of what we do so that we can make a profound impact locally through the donation of our time and money to charitable organizations.


We work hard, we play hard. Whether it is company-sponsored picnics, golf outings, charity events, or an occasional LAN party after hours, we make sure that all of the hard work and dedication is rewarded with a whole lot of fun.